“Rose is a wonderful editor. Her advice was insightful, honest and crystal clear. It was handed out in the kindest and most encouraging manner during three face to face meetings in person and on Zoom. Her guidance was equally crucial in drafting a submission package for agents - cover letter, synopsis and first chapters - and I will be forever grateful for this.”

Kulsum Bouzerda, novelist


“I found Rose exceptionally helpful, providing detailed and thoughtful guidance in a supportive manner. Our in person meetings were highly productive, efficient but also personable, and I invariably came away with an action plan on how to attack the next phase of writing.”

Scott Mackin, novelist


“Rose acted as an editorial mentor to me on a complex narrative non-fiction project I was trying to complete. She was insightful and thorough in her editorial comments and brilliant at noting what should stay or be cut. She gently teased out of me the important threads of my story. I never thought I’d be able to complete this work but with Rose’s help I have managed to turn what was a difficult and muddied story into a compelling poetic work. I cannot recommend Rose more highly, her advice was invaluable to me.”

Alison White, memoirist Letter to Louis and scriptwriter


“Rose offered me feedback on my writing as part of a prize. She read my work closely and her feedback was constructive, meticulous and insightful. Equally valuable was her support and encouragement.”

Deepa Anappara, novelist Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line and short story writer


“Rose Billington is any writer’s dream editor. Respectful, thorough and insightful, she will walk you through your text, and open windows and doors to hidden issues and latent possibilities you would not have considered otherwise. Her feedback on early versions of my novels was key in transforming mere drafts into manuscripts, and manuscripts into published books.”  

Carmen Rodríguez, novelist Retribution and Atacama and non-fiction writer and poet


Rose’s feedback and editing on my novel provided clear and deeply honest practical advice, and undoubted inspiration. Her written responses were always quick, efficient, and pin-sharp, with a word count that sometimes exceeded that of the material. That was worth gold. But more importantly, the feedback, in an almost life-changing way, taught even an experienced writer, many things: scene size, and how and where it needed to sit in the context of the story-whole (this she called ‘proportionality’); how to find the story behind the story - that which we fear writing; and character desire and where the core of the story lay.”

Andre Hess, novelist


In preparing my second novel for publication I was extremely fortunate to be introduced to Rose Billington whose in-depth reading of the manuscript proved invaluable. Rose wrote a six-page assessment which not only demonstrated her deep understanding and insight of the work, but also provided detailed editing and narrative suggestions, all of which I followed.”

Maggie Barrett, novelist Felicity